Monday 3 June 2013

How to do a Marquee Scrolling Style

Hello! Many of you have been requesting on how to do a Marquee Scrolling Style!

Wait, what's a Marquee Scrolling Style?

The Marquee Scrolling Style looks like this:

A Marquee Scrolling Style looks like this! The speed of this marquee scrolling is 20 lol. Awesome, right? You can customize it too! :) - lottiepixie.

Copy and paste the code!

<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="5">WRITE ANYTHING YOU WANT</marquee>

BTW, You can totally customize this code. :P

Change the "WRITE ANYTHING YOU WANT" to *ahem* anything you want actually.... lol

You can also change the direction to right, left, down, up, alternate (like bouncing back and forth) and some more I think.

You can also change the scrolling speed by changing the '5' to any whole number between 1-100.

Hope this helps!

Until next time,

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